
Ultralight industrial treatment plants with ion exchange method

Municipal, slaughterhouse, industrial and sanitary sewage is one of the pollutants of groundwater, surface water, especially water of rivers, lakes and seas. One of the common systems in the treatment of this wastewater is the use of aerobic methods and activated sludge system, which today in many urban treatment plants is biologically treated and purified activated sludge. Problems that often arise in the management system of this type of refinery are:    

Severe decrease in temperature in the cold seasons of the year, the entry of chemicals and toxins, etc., which has led to a reduction or inactivation of activated sludge in the system, which leads to the malfunction of the definition systems. Therefore, the specialists of this company, by combining the two sciences of food industry and environment and based on the science of chemistry and removal of activated sludge, have designed a new system using internal facilities.

The basis of the work is the method of ion exchange and rapid deposition of ions in wastewater and standardization of wastewater to environmental parameters, which in addition to not being sensitive to the above, reduces electricity consumption, current costs, Minimal land use and also reduced treatment time.

The company, with the support of years of sincere experience of its colleagues and experts in the fields of food, water, wastewater and mechanics industries, combining two industries of food and environment, designs and builds ultralight wastewater treatment plants by ionic excitation of ions in wastewater and precipitation of all materials and It is completely environmentally friendly and the characteristics of this method can be briefly mentioned as follows:


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