
Ozone generators

Ozone generators

O3 gas in nature can not remain stable and is rapidly converted to O2 and O. O2 is a stable molecule that increases the amount of oxygen in the environment, but the atom (active oxygen) cannot live alone and must combine with pollutants to make them stable oxygen. Uses of active oxygen

  1. The use of ozone before RO systems increases the efficiency and service life of activated carbon filters and prevents the accumulation of microorganisms on the membranes.
  2. Ozone is a more effective disinfectant and safer than chlorine, especially in Europe and the United States and developed industrial countries for water disinfection.
  3. Ozone works much faster than chlorine and is used in wastewater disinfection.
  4. Pool water treatment with ozone gas is the safest and most effective disinfection system known in the world.
  5. Deodorization, disinfection of bacteria, spores and fungi in the air of production halls. Poultry farms and other closed and polluted environments
  6. Use of active oxygen in slaughterhouses. Increase confidence in the production of safe and healthy meat. Increase the shelf life of meat.
  7. Disinfection of fruits and vegetables, meat products, warehouses, wheat silos, legumes, cereals, canned food and other foods to reduce bacteria. Fungi and increase the length of food products without changing color and odor approved by the US Food and Drug Administration FDE

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