
Fiberglass wastewater treatment package

wastewater treatment package with a capacity of 7 cubic meters per day

Fiberglass sanitary-human wastewater treatment package at 7 m3 capacity per- da

Technical Specifications 7 M3 Wastewater Treatment Package

1) Each polyester unsaturated polyester resin package made of fiberglass with 7 m3 / day treatment capacity of human wastewater that is operated by continuous surface aeration using reclaimed activated sludge and working principles. It is similar to large urban systems.

2) The body of the machine is 2.5 meters in diameter and 2.3 meters high and has two tanks inside which are the aerating and sedimentation parts of this system.

3) European brand electric aeration gearbox with 1 hp and 250 to 300 rpm equipped with French A300 turbine with an automatic power control panel cell equipped with phase control, miniature fuse, contactor, metal, telemechanical French And the timer is Italian.

4) Body of the machine is guaranteed for 40 years and electromechanical equipment for one year after commissionin

5) This machine is designed to handle 20 to 30 percent discharge greater or less than the volume of input sewage defined in its volume.

6) The machine installation is very simple and can be ported and installed within a week of loading and installation by the customer. (Installation function is input raw sewage pipe function)7) Unlike other sewage treatment plants with activated sludge, it does not require any primary and septic pumping stations and the sewage is transported directly from the sanitary fountain gravity to the sewer pipes.

8) The treated effluent outlet is ideal for irrigating the green space and should be chlorinated if discharged to public conduits and surface water.

9) Considering the switchgear’s automaticity, the device does not require a special operator and, according to the maintenance

10) The effluent of the device is in accordance with environmental standards and the amount of bod is 30mg / l and the amount of cod is 60mg / l

The Advantages of fiberglass wastewater treatment packages

1) The wastewater treatment system is designed by experts French and the technology used in the design of the body and interior panels is unique.

2) This system is resistant to change in temperature and frost due to installation below ground level. The system is also not shocked by high water levels, and even if there is a power failure for 12 hours, no problems.

3) Automatic operation of the machine is regulated by the timer according to the amount of input raw sewage.

4) These packages are buried and only the top space has a small door with a diameter of 70 cm, which means that the purification process is completely hidden.

5) The effluent complies with environmental standards and does not smell unpleasant because of the aerobic system.

6) It has the best water resources management despite using the effluent of this package to irrigate the green space and even clean the area.

7) It is very easy to add capacity by adding a new package in parallel.



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