
Aban Company

Aban Company was established in 2012 (1391 solar calendar) after years of experience of its managers in the exploitation of water resources, as well as the improvement of industrial and sanitary wastewater by its founder and chairman of the board Saeed Ahmadi and under the management and doctrine of Behnam Najafi. In this regard, it has provided services such as designing and manufacturing water treatment packages, as well as controlling, transferring and improving industrial and sanitary wastewater and returning this wastewater to the natural cycle, as well as exploiting saline water resources and research to solve environmental problems. And now, with a wealth of experience and accompanied by its experienced scientific staff, it is always studying and designing new water and wastewater treatment systems and contemplates on solving environmental problems at the international level and developing scientific, technical cooperation and transferring its experiences with other stakeholders in urban and continental environment.

It should be noted that among the important points in the use of water resources in the global environment and the importance of wastewater sanitation in the production cycle of industries and urban wastewater, as well as the risks of entering unhealthy wastewater into the natural environment cycle And the human and global ecosystem, one important point is that with the entry of polluted water into the aquifer cycle, groundwater, rivers and finally the sea and lakes and the combination of chemicals contained in this water in the natural ecosystem will bring irreparable consequences.

As you are aware, the chemical compounds in the  wastewater generated by factories and other industries cause severe environmental pollution because these waters contain significant amounts of arsenic, mercury and various chemical elements that after entering and combining these substances with surface waters and infiltration into groundwater aquifers of rivers, lakes or seas and accumulation of chemicals and combination with these water resources, it will cause severe environmental pollution in these resources and will lead to many unknown diseases in people and it will upset the balance of the life cycle of living organisms which can be prevented from the occurrence and continuation of this dangerous process with smart predictions and measures.


Aban company, Relying on its technical knowledge, through years of experience and cooperation with the scientific elites of the industry, can produce RO water treatment systems in various capacities and manufacture aerobic treatment systems with concrete material, metal, polyethylene And fiberglass. as well as this the company can manufacture disinfection systems including chlorine. Ozone generators, also achieve ultra-light industrial treatment systems, which undoubtedly increase large effluents in the rapid control of industrial extraction at any consumption, occupying the least possible space and the highest efficiency.

At present, in order to achieve scientific and experimental achievements and transfer it to other nations and those involved in the global environment, as well as providing practical and quick solutions in order to solve the international environmental problems, this company has proceeded to research and study on marine saliva from the entry of sanitary and industrial wastewater into the Sea of ​​Marmara in Turkey and the intercontinental effluents of this region. Which this transfer of results and strategies to deal with and sanitize it, will be a very big and effective step in controlling and managing this environmental problem. As well as this, Research and testing on the removal of petroleum and arsenic derivatives from Lake Alberta in Canada and the provision of pilot and appropriate solutions for the collection and treatment of rural wastewater in the camp city of Turkey, are other cases that can be mentioned
